In 2022, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual EADPH congress will be hybrid. If the congress took place “face-to-face”, the Borrow Foundation and Colgate would have funded 15 travel awards of €500 to enable EADPH members from countries listed below or, who are reported by the World Bank as having a per capita GNI of less than $ 25,000, to attend the annual EADPH congress. Most generously the Borrow Foundation and Colgate have agreed that some of the funds for travel grants can be used to fund the registration fees of EADPH members, from economically less well developed countries, whose abstracts have been accepted for presentation online. The registration fee for members, from countries which are eligible for travel grants, who are presenting online is 100 Euros.
This year there are three research prizes (founded by GSK):
- First prize in the open contest (any EADPH member, including undergraduate students) 2000 Euros;
- Second prize in the open contest 1000 Euros;
- Prize for the best undergraduate presentation 500 Euros;
Abstracts should be submitted via the abstract submission system at:
As it a requirement that abstract presenters must be EADPH members, if they are not members, they should apply for membership and pay their membership fees for 2022 which are :
€ 95 for those from countries with an annual per capita GNI of $25,000 or more.
€ 50 for those from the less economically well developed countries, listed in the next paragraph, or any others with an annual per capita GNI of less than $ 25,000.
€ 50 for students (undergraduate and postgraduate) who are in full-time education.
The countries which are considered to be economically less well developed are: Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Egypt, Georgia, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Kosovo, Lebanon, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Montenegro, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine and any others with a current per capita GNI of less than $25,000.