Membership is available to any person having a special interest in dental (or oral) public health and community dentistry and who has a dental or medical qualification registrable in the EU or another qualification approved by Council. It is expected members will include dentists, doctors, health professionals, statisticians, health economists, and epidemiologists with interests in the objectives of the Association.
Membership fee is due per calendar year.
For non-UK citizens there is the possibility to become an EADPH / BASCD joint member.
Membership fee
The normal EADPH membership fee is 95 € and 120 € as EADPH / BASCD joint member.
Members from countries with a per capita GNP of less than 19.000 euros (as calculated
by the Worldbank using the Atlas Method) pay a reduced fee of 50 € / 70 € as EADPH / BASCD joint member.
Reduced membership fees for retirees is available 50 € / 70 € as EADPH / BASCD joint member.
Reduced membership fees for undergraduate students and for full-fime postgraduate students who are not in full or part-time employment 50 € / 70 € as EADPH / BASCD joint member.
Members receive the journal Community Dental Health and are entitled to a reduced registration fee at the annual EADPH congress.
Membership application form (2024)
Please fill out this membership application form on your computers screen. For information about becoming a member of EADPH, please contact our treasurer Dr. Julia Winter.