Community Dental Health
The journal is concerned with dental public health and related subjects. Dental public health is the science and the art of preventing oral disease, promoting oral health, and improving the quality of life through the organised efforts of society.

The objective of the European Global Oral Health Indicators Development  (EGOHID) project is to support public oral health decision-making throughout Europe, by the provision of good quality, relevant, and timely information and knowledge about oral heath and oral health systems within Europe. The major output of the project will be the systematic identification and technical specifications of suitable oral health indicators to be used as the basis for fully-comparable pan-European dental epidemiological examinations. The EGOHID phase I (2002-2005) was concerned with the selection of the most relevant indicators in oral public health: phase II (2006-2008) is working towards providing methodological criteria for the collection of the epidemiological, social, and behavioural data relating to oral health within the European Union.

A software package has been developed for EGOHID by members of the Dental Health Services Research Unit. An initial English language version of the software was released in November 2007: versions in other languages will follow in due course.
You may download either a setup.exe file to install the pack on your computer or download the package in zipped format  (you will, in this case, need a package such a ZipCentral to unzip the file).

The International Caries Detection and Assessment System 

National Health Services Oral Health Assessment 

Since 1993, the Council of European Chief Dental Officers (CECDO) has met at six monthly intervals. It has commissioned a series of surveys into various aspects of oral health care in Europe. Details of the work of the CECDO, these surveys, and the data that have been generated can be viewed on the website of the Council of European Chief Dental Officers .